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Request & Utilization Policies
Classrooms are used for class instruction, study or other like activity. Events in General Purpose Classrooms must be compatible with the academic nature of classrooms and academic buildings. Non-class events are welcomed, but they must not adversely impact the classroom, its contents, or the surrounding area.
Activities that are not compatible with General Purpose Classrooms include amplified music, dances, dinners, parties, events that require re-furnishing of rooms or removal of equipment. Non-compatible events include any event that adversely impacts the classroom directly, or that impacts research, study or other academic pursuits in areas adjacent to classrooms. Please see the item below entitled "Room Use Expectations and Noise Prohibitions" for more detailed information.
Disability Access Acknowledgement: Disability access is a shared university responsibility. If disability access is required, check the space for ramps, door push paddles, wheelchair accessible restrooms, and elevator access prior to booking.
Priority for events in General Purpose Classrooms
- Academic events, specifically classes, discussion sections, department seminars, review sessions and exams
- School departments and University administration events
- Student group special events, including guest lectures, fundraisers and recruitment meetings
- Ticketed shows, concerts and performances*
- Student group weekly meetings
- Rehearsals for student group shows, concerts and performances
If an event request is submitted that has priority over a confirmed event, the confirmed event has the potential to lose its space confirmation. An alternate, similar space will be sought out for the confirmed event.
Please note: There are no “guaranteed” spaces for events other than academic events. The Office of the Registrar reserves the right to adjust or deny room confirmations.
*Once confirmed, ticketed shows, concerts and performances cannot lose their space confirmation, regardless of prioritization.
Requests for classroom space
General Purpose classroom availability can be seen via RES. Requests for General Purpose classrooms can be made by following the instructions. Requests are processed several times throughout the business day, Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm. Weekend requests should be submitted no later than 2pm on Friday to guarantee confirmation.
The Room and Event System also shows availability for spaces belonging to the School of Communication and Medill School of Journalism. Please check room availability before emailing the appropriate parties.
Requests are processed on a first come, first serve basis after the start of the quarter. There are no “guaranteed” spaces for any events other than academic events. The Office of the Registrar reserves the right to adjust or deny room confirmations.
Available times are contingent upon the needs of regularly scheduled class meetings. Schedules for the University's general-purpose classrooms are kept in the Office of the Registrar during the academic year, and in the Summer Session Office between Commencement and Labor Day.
Requests can be submitted for dates in upcoming quarter(s) but will be processed according to priority and only after the following dates:
Quarter | Request after |
Fall Quarter requests | September 1 |
Winter Quarter requests | December 1 |
Spring Quarter requests | March 1 |
Summer Session requests | June 1 |
There are no exceptions to these dates for one-time events of any nature.
Events occurring during final exam week will be confirmed no earlier than one month prior to the start of finals. See the final exam schedules.
Events will not be scheduled on official University holidays.
If the University experiences an emergency closing due to weather, utility failure, or other unforeseen disaster, the event is considered canceled.
General Purpose Classroom open hours
Information on building hours and access are available on Northwestern Facilities' Building Access page. Most general purpose classrooms are available to be reserved 7:00 am to 10:00 pm, though hours may vary.
If your event is scheduled after 6:00 pm or on the weekend and you intend to invite attendees from outside of the campus community, please submit a Building Unlock request form to ensure that guests without Wildcards will be able to access the building for your event. Please allow at least two (2) weeks for the request to be reviewed. Requests made less with less than two (2) weeks' notice may not be accommodated. Additional information can be found on the Building Access page. Please contact Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) at ehs@northwestern.edu with any non-urgent questions.
(Requests for weekend reservations must be submitted by 2:00 pm on Friday.)
Types of groups
- Academic Departments and Schools
- University Administration
- Student groups affiliated through ASG, and the various schools
- Outside groups not sponsored in any way by an organization (department, office, or student group) within the University
- Student Groups in violation of any of the stated policies
Room use expectations
All users of classrooms are expected to leave the classroom and its equipment in good order. Keeping a classroom in good order includes chairs, desks and tables straightened, electronic equipment powered down, taking away or disposing of everything one came in with, such as beverage/food containers, newspapers, etc. Users are also expected to take extra care that no damage is done to classrooms or classroom furniture or equipment and that the room is returned to a class-ready condition. Taping floors is not permitted. Removing furniture from any classroom (even if it is intended for use in an alternate classroom) is not permitted.
Groups who violate any of the room use expectations will have their access to make reservations suspended and their event reservations cancelled. The suspension will be for the term in which the violation occurred and the subsequent regular term (Fall, Winter, Spring) if the violation occurs during the last month of a term. The group will also be charged the costs to repair a facility due to room use violations by the group.
Noise prohibitions
Any activity resulting in noise levels exceeding that of a general lecture course are asked to refrain from utilizing General Purpose Classrooms between the hours of 8am and 9:30pm Monday through Thursday and 8am-5pm on Friday. This includes student group rehearsals, auditions or meetings involving a band or music and productions.
Food and beverage in rooms
Food and non-alcoholic beverage
The General Purpose Classrooms are intended to be used as classrooms. They are not intended for banquets, catered events, dinners, parties or meeting rooms. However, food is allowed in General Purpose Classrooms, but must be removed after the event. Groups that violate this policy and do not remove food and beverages will be charged a cleaning fee through Custodial Services.
Northwestern University policy prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by its students and employees on University property, as part of any University activities, in vehicles owned or operated by the University, or at any work site or other location at which University duties are being performed by Northwestern employees.
Students are subject to Illinois law, which prohibits the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages by any person under the age of 21 years. In addition, it is illegal to sell or provide alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of 21.
Adjacent spaces
The Office of the Registrar does not control usage of hallways and public space other than General Purpose Classrooms. Setup of desks, tables, booths, or food service in hallways or public space must be arranged in advance with Facilities Management. Any use of hallways should not restrict the access to the classroom or interfere with any other areas.
Temperature control
The Office of the Registrar relies on Facilities Management to provide for temperature control and ventilation of rooms. If you find the room uncomfortable, call Facilities Management at 847-491-5201 to report your concern.
Furniture/room damages
If there is damage to classroom furniture, chalkboards, clocks, doors, etc. please report them immediately to Facilities Management at 847-491-5201 or email. Your department or group will not be charged for the repairs. We appreciate your help in maintaining the classrooms and the objects within them.
Evanston smart classroom support
NUIT Media and Design supports and maintains the technology for learning in General Purpose Classrooms. Problems with classroom technology should be reported as soon as possible.
For immediate in-classroom support, contact:
7-ROOM Support
Smart Classroom Helpdesk
(847) 467-ROOM (7666)
Event sponsor responsibility
The sponsoring organization or department, listed on the event request form, is the responsible party. Reservations require a designated contact person responsible for the proper conduct of the event and for returning the classroom to its original configuration. Authorization to use reserved space cannot be transferred or loaned to another organization or individual without prior written/email approval from the Office of the Registrar (RO). Please contact the RO by email.
The type of activity of the event may not be changed from that requested without prior written approval from the RO. More specifically, an event may not be changed from those identified above as compatible to those listed as non-compatible.
Transferring, loaning or sub-leasing a reservation or misrepresenting the intended use of the room is a serious matter that may result in immediate suspension of a group's eligibility to use classroom facilities. Requests to change or cancel an event must be communicated to Office of the Registrar via email.
An event/room confirmation received from the Office of the Registrar does not include event support services for smart equipment, catering, extra custodial support or security. (These items are examples of extra services that may be arranged through aforementioned offices.) The sponsor is responsible for the planning and coordination of all event-related arrangements. Under no circumstances is furniture or other property to be removed from the room or removed from other rooms. The sponsor is responsible for any extra cleanup fees or damages to the facility incurred during the course of the event or during the event set-up and take-down. Any items brought in for the event should be removed promptly and the room returned to its original arrangement.
Failure to adhere to these policies may subject the sponsoring organization to restriction of space usage privileges and/or fees assessed by Facilities Management.
For general inquiries into classroom spaces
September 1 through Commencement please email gp-classrooms@northwestern.edu or call 847-467-5916.
Commencement through August 31, please email spsroomrequests@northwestern.edu.