Final exam schedule policies
Build your class schedule to avoid exam conflicts
Students must arrange their class schedule to avoid conflicts, and must not register for classes that result in two examinations at the same time. Additionally, students should not register for courses that result in three examinations on one day. Anyone registering for more than two exams in one day will be expected to take the examinations as scheduled.
Determine date and time of examination
- To determine date and time of exam, the meeting days and start time of the class lecture should be used to find the corresponding exam time on the Final Exam Schedule Grid .
- Courses beginning on the half-hour should follow the schedule for the previous hour. For example, 2:30 becomes 2:00.
- If a course meets at different times on different days, the exam time is determined by the earliest class meeting in the week.
- The examination times for some courses will be different from the regularly assigned exam schedule. These are most often Common Exams for several sections of the same course. Instructors will announce room assignments. Common Exam information can be found on the Final Exam Schedule Grid.
Location of exams
Examinations will be held in the room where the lecture section of the class regularly meets, unless otherwise announced. If the class meets in different rooms at different times, the room used by the earliest class meeting in the week determines the exam room.
Evening courses
Exams for evening courses (meeting at 5:00 pm and after) are held on the first regularly scheduled class meeting time during final exam week in the regularly scheduled room, unless otherwise announced.
Instructors are responsible for indicating their exam schedule on course syllabi.
Default exam days/times change each quarter
For example, the exam time for an 11:00 am class will be different from Fall to Winter to Spring.