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Help With Closed Classes

Partial List of Closed Classed (Check CAESAR for real time info)


Please see below for other classes:

Business Institutions




If you need to request enrollment in a closed section, please email Daniela Pozzi Pavan at and the professor who is teaching the class you would like to enroll in.


For closed courses

  1. Regularly check CAESAR since seats often open after registration.
  2. If the course section for which you would like to enroll remains closed, please send an email to the Director of the Language Program (DLP), Professor Dempster, ( as well as the coordinator of the course (if it is a multi-section course).

To register for a language course, new students, both transfer and first-year, who placed into a higher level course for which they did not take the pre-requisite at Northwestern, should send an email to the Placement Test Coordinator, Professor Licops (


1) Traditionally, we have been able to accommodate in our sections all students who need to fulfill the WCAS language requirement . However, please be aware that sections offered at 9am or at 3pm are more likely to have spots available than at other times.

2) SPANISH 101-1: Elementary Spanish

If you are interested in enrolling in Spanish 101-1 for Fall 2024 and all the sections are currently closed, please follow the next steps:
-  If you’re an upper-classman, email Prof. Eider Etxebarria ASAP at and include a screenshot of your official Fall 2024 academic schedule.
- If you’re a freshman, please continue to check CAESAR and register if you find any available spot.
Changes between sections cannot be guaranteed, and we do not expect to offer additional seats this quarter.
If you would like to sign up for the Spanish 101-1 waitlist, email Prof. Eider Etxebarria ASAP at and include a screenshot of your official Fall 2024 academic schedule.
If you end up not being able to register for Spanish 101-1 this quarter, please remember that this course is offered every fall and summer.

SPANISH 121-1: Intermediate Spanish

Thank you for your interest in enrolling in Spanish 121-1. If all classes are full, please send the following to as soon as possible:

- a screenshot of your fall schedule

- a list of ALL times, in order of preference, that you would be able to able to take Spanish 121-1

- a confirmation that you have already taken the placement test

We will get back to you early next week.  Thank you for your patience!

SPANISH 127: Accelerated Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Language Learners

If you are interested in enrolling in Spanish 127 for Fall 2024 and the class is currently closed, please email Prof. María Teresa Villanueva ( with the following information to be added to the paper-and-pen waiting list:

1.      How you meet the prerequisites (e.g., placement test or AP score of 3).

2.      Three preferred class times, ranked in order of preference.

3.      A brief description of your experience with the Spanish language.

Once on the waiting list, we will notify you promptly if a spot becomes available in an existing section or if a new section opens.

3) For issues and sections set to "Department Consent," please contact:


If you need to request enrollment in a closed section, please email Peter Mwangi, the instructor, at to find out if you can obtain a permission code to enroll or to navigate the best section of Swahili 111-1-20/21 to enroll in.

ASIAN LC Language Classes

For classes that are closed and have a waitlist, please join the waitlist.

If you encounter pre-req issues, contact


The Math Department requests that you periodically check CAESAR for changes in availability. For any questions, contact the department directly via email at


If you need to request enrollment in a closed section, please submit a request through the following forms:

For placement questions or any issues registering for a chemistry class, please email


For classes that are closed and have a waitlist, please join the waitlist. The Department will email you if we are able to add you off the waitlist. Please email any questions or concerns to


If any of the introductory courses below are closed, or if you have an issue with a discussion section, please
complete our waitlist form and we can see how we can help you. Otherwise, contact the instructor teaching the course.

For RELIGION 200 Introduction to Hinduism, contact Professor Mark McClish @ 

For RELIGION 210 Introduction to Buddhism, contact Professor Kevin Buckelew @ 

For RELIGION 221 Introduction to the New Testament, contact Dr. Lily Stewart @ 

For RELIGION 250 Introduction to Islam, contact Professor Usman Hamid @ 

For general registration issues email

RTVF 220 Analyzing Media Texts

This course will be reserved for RTVF majors only until all majors have had an opportunity to register; any available seats will be released after 1:00pm on Friday. 

COMM_ST 102-0 (Public Speaking)

If all sections are full and you need this course for a graduation requirement, please email Randy Iden.


If a class is closed, please see for information on submitting a waitlist.  Note that in some cases, seats are initially reserved for declared majors.

DSGN 106-1/ENGLISH 106-1 (Design/Thinking/Communication)

See the McCormick undergraduate registration site for questions about DTC enrollment.

GEN_ENG 205-1 (Engineering Analysis I)

Students requesting placement in a closed section of EA 1 should fill out the EA 1 form found here.

COMP_SCI 111-0 (Fund Comp Prog)

If you encouter issues, contact CS Permissions Advising.

PRDV 101-1 (McCormick First Year Exp)

Students who encounter issues enrolling in PRDV 101 should submit the PRDV 101 form found here.

International Holds

Call: 847-491-5613
Or contact your advisor directly here.